Record Application Form
Record Application Form
Choose a record to break or set a new record. Use your creativity to find out the extraordinary skill in you, be creative, the more extraordinary the accomplishment, the more likely it is to be featured in the India Book of World Records . Don’t limit yourself to what is already in the book, you may also be featured in the book by being the first person to do something.
Fill the online APPLICATION FORM and submit.
– Mention the detailed description of your claim which you are trying to set as a record
– Mention the tentative date, time and venue of the attempt
– If you are willing to invite a judge, mention it in the form.
Wait until you receive a reply from the India Book of World Records Team. The team will give you details regarding the submission of evidence.
-In case you are interested to invite a judge, the event management team will coordinate with you.
After all the documents are received, India Book of World Records Team will process your claim within 7-10 working days. In case of incomplete documentation, the team will contact the applicant via email or call. The process continues until the team is satisfied with the submitted evidence.